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Finger theater Fairy tale "Wolf and seven kids" (heroes + house) 1102001, 1102001

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494,00 $
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Brand: Fetrov; Type: Finger Theatre; Toy material: Felt

Size: Package with spine and euroslot, 20x30 cm

Color: multicolor

Material: Felt (Korea!) , threads, wooden elements

Certification: EAC (TR TS 008/2011)

Product contents: Felt house, 9 felt figures (wolf, goat, 7 kids), Dice with a set of 8 coasters.

The finger theater is a unique fairy tale toy that fits easily on a child's palm.
The Finger Theater "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" will give the child a fairy-tale world of games and introduce the wonderful characters of the Russian folk tale of the same name. In the set you will find a house with a stove, mother goat, 7 kids and a formidable gray wolf. Each character can be placed on wooden coasters and placed on a table or put on a child's fingers and arranged for a theatrical improvisation or story game along with a house-decoration.
Finger theater games are useful for developing fine motor skills and coordination of a child's movement. Bright colors, pleasant texture and interesting performance of finger characters will help in the development of memory, thinking, visual and tactile perception of the baby. and finger characters. For a variety of games, improvise, come up with new names, sounds, actions for the characters, or use other ready-made children's fairy tales, poems, songs.
Successful theatrical experiments and fabulous improvisations!

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